Monday, June 2, 2014

Writing is hard

Sometimes I hate writing. And by sometimes I mean often. It is hard. Some days I like what I have written. Other days I can read the exact same thing and hate it. Sometimes I know why and that is easy to fix, sometimes I don't know why- I just hate it today.
I don't know what it was like to be published a long time ago because I wasn't born yet but I think it had to have been easier than today. Before the internet was invented, or TV, or the radio. Before there were 7 billion people in the world. It seems like writers just typed up their manuscript and changed their name to a guy's name (if they were female), hand delivered it to a publisher (or got their brother to do it if they were female) and presto book-o! I think all classic authors of the 1800s would have a hard time being published today.
But now we have self publishing. This is both a good and bad thing. It is good in that it gives new authors a chance to be heard, it gives the power back to the writer, but it is scary! To be successful it is good to be professionally edited first. (Though a lot of published books I read seem to have skipped this step, hmmm) This process is scary too because you get to find out every tiny little thing that is wrong with your book, and there are a lot of tiny little things. After getting an entire manuscript back that you have spent countless hours perfecting you realize how imperfect it still is, and always will be. Because nothing is perfect.
Dang it why is writing so hard? I should have been a painter. Do paintings get edited? Is that a thing?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sims 3

This game has been around the block awhile, hell it's gone to Egypt, Paris, some tropical island, but I just started playing it a few weeks ago.
Or maybe it is playing me. You know you've been playing the Sims too long when real life reminds you of the sims. IE- that person looks like a sim! I wonder how many athletic skill bars I have? I wish I could find a job as easy as my sim. You can do so much on the Sims now. My sim is an ultra runner. But I swear- she volunteered! I told her to run on the treadmill and she ran for 12 straight hours, before she got tired and decided, meh, I think I'll take a shower. I was impressed. And also jealous- she only has about 5 athletic bars, why is she so much better than me?
I sent her to college. College quarters are only a week in simville! She kind of pisses me off sometimes though- like when I am trying to get her ready for class- which is in an hour, and it takes her about an hour to get to class, go figure, and she has to stand in front of the fridge for 20 minutes before sitting down to eat a yogurt- which takes at least 40 minutes. Actually I changed my mind- no food for you! You don't deserve to eat! Ooh you just threw a tantrum for thirty seven minutes? Well I guess you can't go to the bathroom now because that 37 minutes was your bathroom time ( that's how long it takes her to go to the bathroom.)
But you can run for 12 hours, hang Snowflake day lights in the click of a button, have a juice keg party, prank the neighbors and get arrested, "woo- hoo", but only in the shower, or die in a freak fire place accident.
RIP Sim.