Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Family's Name

We are going hiking at Mount Lahana tomorrow morning to find a name for the baby, "six o'clock, no make it five!" That is the drill sergeant my sister. And if you think it is nuts for a nine month pregnant person to climb a mountain before the sun is even up then do us a favor- keep it to yourself, cuz I'm the one who has to live with her.
"Why so earlyyy?" That's Kyle, I think. He's under a blanket and doesn’t really sound like Kyle but who else would it be.
"It's not early, it's 6:17," My sister hisses which wakes me up good and fast but not Kyle. Ana is pissed because we have slept so late. She does not notice that the sun has slept late too, that that is normal.
"How did you get over here?" I ask.
"I didn't, I slept on your porch. I slept walked, I don’t know!" Kyle retreats back under his blanket.
"Get up!" If I was naming my sister I would call her wacka, I suggest that.
"Maybe I will wacka you!"
"C'mon, let's get up," I tell Kyle.
The drive is not long enough when you want to sleep but I don't get to sleep anyway, Ana says she cannot drive because she is pregnant. I know better than to argue with her now. I drive even though I am fourteen and have never driven the truck beyond the driveway before. Driving is not that hard. There are names everywhere, like- pothole, speed bump, deathtrap, cliff's edge, yi-yikes! that last one Kyle came up with, the all go on the notebook but Ana doesn’t think any of them are very good.
"How about Sun Rising?" At last it is doing so. It is red down here, not the way you think the sun normally looks, the way it looks in paintings sometimes and you think- the sun never looks like that! It does at 6:45 in the morning- who knew, who knew?

"Red Eye." Ana looks at it.
"That sounds horrible," I say.
"Isn't that like a disease or something," Kyle says.
"No, like the eye of God."
"I don’t think God would have red eye."
"Yeah, I think they're blue."
"No, they're made out of gold, or marbles."
"You guys are both wrong, the sun is God's eye."
"Where's his other eye?"
"He only needs one."
"The moon," Kyle says at the same time.
"The moon is his eye at night."
"Moon eyes." I say.
"Nothing sounds right," and Ana does not talk for the rest of the trip, even when I ran over the tree stump that Kyle said was a raccoon.
"I'm not a raccoon killer!"
"Raccoon Killer." Raccoon Killer goes into the notebook, I wrote Treestump Killer and Stumpy for Kyle. "You're going to drive home!" I yell at Kyle.
I cannot stand the thought that I have killed someone. I want to close my eyes and see a tree stump with my tire marks on it, that's what we will see when we go back, no blood on the tire, or scrap of fur, no raccoon carcass on the side of the road. I want to close my eyes and miss the turn to the mountain, to head into town instead- to get a drink, to forget my sorrow, to swerve,
"Don't close your eyes!" Kyle screams. "Jesus!"
"Jesus," I inform him, "is a name Latin people name their children, not us."
Okay I made it to the park, "no raccoon family swarming us and demanding justice yet," Kyle says.
"That's because I hit a stump!"
"Stumps don't cry, this one cried."
"Crying Stump, Crying tree, Weeping Willow, Willow."
I want to hit Kyle and my sister. "It was a stump! Sometimes they cry! It was cut down! Wouldn't you cry if you were a stump?"
Kyle so makes me want to cry.
We are at the mountain, my sister is looking up at the top and probably just now realizing that she can't see it. "You guys, let's go, it's already 7:39," she snaps.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dreams Are Like Drugs

Dreams are like drugs and sometimes you get a bad trip.
Last night I dreamed I was making cookies. Not a bad start. But I was also watching a baby. In my dream I decided to have the baby nap in the oven because it was only 300 degrees- just nice and warm. A little bit later I realized this was a bad plan and rushed over to pull the baby out but it was too late- the baby had turned into a baby shaped cookie, just like all the others on the cookie sheet.
I didn't think this was strange, not dream worthy at all, but I did kind of suspect that this was a dream because I had an inkling- I think, think, I would be smart enough in real life not to baby down for a nap in the oven. Think so. So I decided even though I didn't see a baby anywhere, even though I was horrified by the baby cookie, that I would just pretend to put the baby down in a crib and see if my dream would go from there.
But then the parents showed up. They were going into the room with the crib. I hid in fear, would they find their baby sleeping there or would they see the baby cookie? What if the police came? They would know immediately what happened. I should just confess now! Oh my gosh I don't want to go to jail! I'll never see my family again! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL!! How had this happened?
I upset myself so much I woke up and in my half drowsy state I realized that it indeed had been a dream because I was definitely, definitely smart enough to not put a baby in the oven. It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized what else was wrong with this situation- ie that babies do not turn into cookies. Why does my brain do this me? Why? I don't take drugs! Should I start?

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Inspired by the color poems in the book Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar. Which by the way are way funnier than mine, check it out.

fresh cut carnations in a hello kitty sink

It's snowing on the rooftop, gleaming lights bright white

An orange tabby cat licks his paws in the setting sun
melted creamsicle runs

A bunny's fur, the same color as its nest in the ground

stop the rage, lava spilling out of your head, cinnamon flames,